Music for nerdy people

Let's see some professional geek's work, see how they make music, in unconventional way:

iPhone as remote:

Nintendo DS as remote:

Culture Remix: African American singing traditional Japanese song

hip hop dancing + Enka (Japanese traditional singing style), really touching remix:

Cellphone Music- Concept Model by au KDDI

"Cell phone can be musical instrument" is not that new to us. We've been seeing a lot of cell phone application for people to generate sound. However, have you ever seen any cell phone that can be play as harmonica, trumpet, or even drum stick to play drum?

One of my favorite cell phone design/ manufacturing company, au KDDI, is showing their concept models, cooperate with YAMAHA. Needless to say, YAMAHA is always innovative on new musical interface. These concept cell phone instrument are really awesome, those interface with shape changing and marvelous modules are really attractive, definitely wanna try them out!

see the introduction: (sorry, only Japanese)

for demo video, please click on a black button in the bottom right of that page, and also click on different concept model in the bottom tray.

Robot Plays Music

More and more robots are intruding our daily life, but don't worry, most of them are not terminator from A.D. 2020. With fantastic physics and math behind the scene, robots can be great musician playing wonderful music.

Robot & Chinese Instrument

Robot & Western Instrument

Robot Choir

Personally I'm expecting R2D2 playing piano, that'd be totally amazing!

Music Tables

Luckily we have a lot of people doing interactive table music, using different innovative interface. Most of them have funky outlook using projection image, and most of them seems fun to me, you can play it like child playing LEGO. let's see some great works here:


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FM & Font & Music

Want some visualization and cool music at the same time?
Graphic designer want to change his career to multimedia artist?
Check this out: